
The partners of this Erasmus+ KA2 - Strategic partnerships project are from Spain, Italy, France and Slovenia. Together we will work on raising awareness about how gender is connected to power.

DADAU (de l'art e de l'autre)



De l’art et d’autre (DADAU) is a company that provides services in the field of cultural and art education, as well as in bodily expression, and offers consultancy services in communication assessment. Aiming to foster basic and soft skills, De l’art et d’autre has developed methodologies and manuals which combine museum pedagogy, art history, conversation analysis and intercultural studies. It also provides workshops and trainings to a very heterogeneous audience: ranging from individuals (children, youngsters and adults), through education professionals, work teams, to the social sector.

De l’art et d’autre holds also in situ workshops in museums in order to: teach French language through visits and analysing art works; develop soft skills in socially disadvantaged groups; provide team development for enterprises; use body as a communication medium.

The combination of competencies allows to realise an individualised follow-up adapted to the needs of this heterogeneous audience. It is based on the constant evaluation of its methods and the assessment of its facilitators through the systematic analysis of the video recordings of the sessions.

City of Women



City of Women, The Association for the Promotion of Women in Culture – (CoW) is a non-profit organization for the realization and organization of cultural events and was founded in 1996 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. City of Women Festival was established with the aim to lobby on gender issues and promote equality a year earlier (1995) by the Slovenian government’s former Office for Women’s Policy (now The Equal Opportunities Office).

Our main goal is to raise the visibility of high-quality innovative creations of women artists, theoreticians and activists from all over the world, stimulate the development and production of various artistic practices and enhance discussions about feminism and equality. We create an overall artistic program that reacts to, responds to and reflects upon social, ecological, political and cultural issues as well as raise awareness of the currently disproportionate participation and representation of women in arts and culture, as well as in society as a whole.

Élan interculturel



Élan interculturel is an intercultural organisation, operating since 2008 as a non-profit organisation of public interest. We work with teachers and students, artists, business professionals, health and social workers, to whom we provide intercultural trainings as well as we manage international projects of cooperation. In Élan Interculturel, we are working towards a fair and integrated society where people of different faiths, beliefs and cultures have positive and meaningful relations

For us taking an intercultural impulse is to allow one to notice differences, without freezing them, to be able to appreciate them without forcing them. It is also taking the time to learn how to deal with uncertainty and the novelty of otherness, change. Finally, it is also to take responsibility to make visible and to act against inequalities related to differences in our society, and to better live diversity.

MOH - Mobility Opportunities Hub



MOH – Mobility Opportunities Hub is a sociocultural association in Bari, whose aim is to promote mobility among young people, to create synergies with local and European associations and to trace a link between social and artistic work. Its roots in the city of Bari, in the south of Italy. 

Our goal is both to promote opportunities for youth mobility, encouraging personal and professional growth, and to activate socio-cultural initiatives, in order to bring an added value to the territory. The intent is to encourage local youth to meet young people from other European countries. This encounter with the “other”, experienced as an enrichment, will spontaneously create active participation in civil society, facilitating also a change in the reality in which we live.

Universidad Complutense de Madrid



The consolidated research group EARTDI is a reference group in the field of art and psychosocial inclusion and belongs to the University Complutense of Madrid, one of the top Universities in Spain. Since 2010 the group has been called upon by organisations, other national and international research groups, publishers, municipalities and various institutions to organise programmes on art and psychosocial inclusion, art as a therapy and art and coeducation.
From the review of different methodologies and research paradigms, the group has taken a post-positivist orientation, influenced by the changes derived from social constructionism in education, feminist methodologies and Art therapy approaches.
EARTDI develops intervention and research methodologies from the paradigm of social justice with groups at risk of exclusion and vulnerable people, and collaborates with museums with the aim of pursuing more social, equal and democratic museums. EARTDI has won several awards for educational materials on equality and the humanisation of hospitals.