Transnational Partner Meeting in Bari

Transnational Partner Meeting in Bari

  • Post category:News

Dates: 10-11 of September 2021

Host organisation: MOH (Italy)

Participants: DADAU (France), ELAN (France), UCM – EARTDI (Spain)

On the 10th and 11th of September MOH hosted the Power team in Bari for the first Transnational partner meeting. After almost one year of working online, since the project’s start, the partners from France, Spain and Italy had finally the chance to meet in person. It was a great opportunity to share ideas, to work, think and plan together the project’s activities and outputs.

This meeting was an opportunity to test the Museum workshops on gender representations (IO2) that will be organised in the coming months in all project partner countries. We were also able to test the podcast recording, the activities and the concept behind it. During the last day, we had finally the chance to record some dissemination material and discuss the planning and launching of the Art Mediation workshops for Gender Empowerment (IO3).

A very fruitful meeting for all of us!

Below some pictures of the meeting.