Fifth podcast | Public space and gender roles | DADAU | France

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This podcast looks at the biblical story of Christ and the adulteress and analyses its representation from a spatial reading of interpersonal relationships. What place does Poussin give to architecture in this painting and how do these classicising buildings influence the interpretation of the scene that unfolds at the front of the picture?

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Fourth podcast | Public space and gender roles | DADAU | France

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The dialogue that we can listen to in this podcast starts from the description of the painting where we witness the arrival of the captive Chryséis, in the city Chrysé, in Troades, to be "handed over" to her father. How does Claude Gellée's scenography distinguish between men and women, and how are the relationships of power inscribed and read in the location of the characters in the painting?

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Third podcast | | Public space and gender roles | DADAU | France

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This podcast follows the biblical story of Susanna, who is spied on, and then falsely accused by two old men. How is the space where justice occurs represented, and can we detect power relationships by focusing on the occupation of the (pictorial) space by the different protagonists in the scene?

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Second podcast | Public space and gender roles | DADAU | France

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This podcast retraces the mythological story of the life and abduction of Helen by the Trojan prince Paris and reflects on the ambiguity of this representation of the event that led to the Trojan War. What is the relevance of this story in our contemporary society?

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First podcast | Public space and gender roles | DADAU | France

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In this podcast we can follow a discussion about the presence of women in public spaces in the 17th century, such as in this cabaret painted by one of the most prominent French caravaggesques, Valentin de Boulogne.

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