The importance of gaze | MOH | Italy

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A woman talks about how she became self-conscious about feminism. There are things that became unbearable: nude female bodies everywhere, females represented as sensual, beautiful, etc. Another woman talks about how important education is and how people should act to educate the “gaze” in schools.

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Gender preconception | MOH | Italy

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Speaking about female and male gaze, a woman speaks about her father, who is a real male chauvinist. Maybe both are forced into preconceptions, settings, of what a man should be and what a woman should be. Can a woman have a male gaze on artworks?

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The burden of the female gender | MOH | Italy

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A self-representation as a tightrope walker, as a woman who finds all her strength to deal with a lot of difficulties, to keep the balance and be free. Another woman depicts herself without any gaze from the outside: a mix of thoughts and words in a street.

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It’s me | MOH | Italy

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Scattered thoughts, for a deconstructed, untidy self-portrait, with one precise fear. “I could not live if I did not believe that imagination can create new realities”. A happy gaze that can make other people feel comfortable and welcome.

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My self-portrait | MOH | Italy

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Three people describe their self-portraits and how they would look if no one was watching. One looks at the future, another narrates him-herself as a hedgehog with a tie, and another woman who has fear of the time passing by.

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